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Persons Personality Capacity

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Section: 13 - 23

Section 13.- Whenever a sum or quantity is expressed several times in letters or several times in figures, and the several expressions do not agree, and the real intention cannot be ascertained, the lowest expression shall be held good.

Section 14.- Whenever a document is executed in two versions, one in the Thai language, the other in another language, and there are discrepancies between the two versions, and it cannot be ascertained which version was intended to govern, the document excited in the Thai language shall govern.







Section 15.- Personality begins with the full completion of birth as a living child and ends with death.

A Child en ventre sa mere is capable of rights provided that it is thereafter born alive.


Section 16.- In calculating the age of a person, the birth day shall be counted. If only the month of birth is known, the first of such month shall be counted as the birthday but if it is not possible to ascertain the month and the date of birth of a person, his age is to be calculated from the first day of the calendar year during which such birth took place.

Section 17.- When several persons have perished in a common peril, and it is not possible to determine which of them perished first, they will be presumed to have died simultaneously.

Section 18.- If the right to use of a name by a person entitled to it is disputed by another, or if the interest of the person entitled is injured by the fact that another used the same name without authority, then the person entitled may demand from the other abatement of the injury. If a continuance of the injury is to be apprehended, he may apply for an injunction.



Section 19.- A person, on the completion of twenty years of age, ceases to be a minor and becomes sui juris.

Section 20.- A minor becomes sui juris upon marriage, provided that the marriage is performed in accordance with the provisions of Section 1448.

Section 21.- For the doing of a juristic act, a minor must obtain the consent of his legal representative. All acts done by him without such consent are voidable unless otherwise provided.

Section 22.- A minor can do all acts by which he merely acquires a right or is freed from a duty.

Section 23.- A minor can do all acts which are strictly personal.