Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
Contact us: +66 2-266 3698
What is the Function of a Property and Real Estate Lawyer in Thailand?
An explanation of duties, responsibilities, and functions of Real Estate and Property Lawyers in Thailand.
Thai Mortgage, Lease, and Usufruct: The Importance of Registration
Registration of certain instruments pertaining to real property in Thailand is very important due to the formalistic nature of Thai law on the subject.
Can Thailand Amity Treaty Companies Own Thai Real Estate?
Thai Corporations certified under the US-Thai Treaty of Amity may circumvent the restrictions of the Foreign Business Act, but can they own real property (i.e. land) in Thailand?
Land Ownership Benefits For BOI Companies in Thailand
Board of Investment (BOI) Companies may be granted the ability to own land in Thailand.
50 Year and 99 Year Leases May Soon Be Possible in Thailand
Recent announcements indicate that leases of a 50 or 99 year duration may soon be possible in Thailand.
Real Estate Transfer Fees and Property Taxes in Thailand
Unlike other jurisdictions, Thailand utilizes a unique real estate transfer tax system along with other incomparable property tax mechanisms.
Will There Be Changes in Real Estate Taxes in Thailand Soon?
There has been discussion regarding a possible overhaul of the Thai real estate and property tax regime.
New Law to Reform Rules Regarding Leases in Thailand
Recent legislation will change the nature of lease terms in Thailand.
Buying Real Estate in Thailand as a Foreigner
There are very different rules regarding real property matter for foreign nationals in Thailand.
Conduct Property Due Diligence BEFORE Paying a Deposit in Thailand
It is very prudent for those looking at buying property or real estate in Thailand to conduct due diligence before any funds change hands.