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Thai Visa Holders Refused Admission by Immigration
Information about how Thai Immigration has increasingly begun refusing admission to some of those coming to Thailand.
Thai Visa Runs and Embassy Holiday Closings
Information regarding visa runs to Thai Embassies and Consulates abroad and the implications of local and Thai holidays.
The Thailand Business Visa: Surprise Immigration Inspections
Surprise inspection by Thai Immigration officers have become increasingly commonplace in a Business visa context.
Could US Embassy Consular Processing Functions Be Moved To DHS?
There has been recent high level discussion about moving the Consular Processing functions of US Embassies and Consulates, under the authority of the State Department, to the Department of Homeland Security.
Could There Be a Single ASEAN Visa Scheme?
IT is possible that we may one day see a unified visa system for all members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
Sham Thai Marriages and Thai Marriage Visas
Recently, news reports have noted incidents of fake Thai marriages arranged in an effort to obtain Thai marriage visas.
Could Consular Processing Functions Be Moved From DOS To DHS?
Since the birth of the USA, American Embassies and Consulates abroad have been tasked with adjudicating visa applications at their respective posts. However, recently officials in the US government have been discussing the notion of moving these functions from the State Department to the Department of Homeland Security.
Thai Visas For Medical Tourists Increasingly Easy To Obtain
Thai Immigration policy seems to have shifted in favor of encouraging medical tourists to visit Thailand.
Thai Immigration and Visa Documentation: The TM 6 Card
The TM 6 card, or the arrival/departure card, is a routine aspect of immigration and visa processing in Thailand.
Thai Immigration Officials Reviewing a Proposal for 4 Year Smart Visa
Recently, it was noted that Immigration officials in Thailand were reviewing a plan to implement a 4 year smart visa. As yet, the plan has yet to be implemented.