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Professional Inspection Before a Thai Condo Purchase
Some suggestions with regards steps to be taken before purchasing a condo in Thailand with regards to inspecting the property beforehand.
Real Estate Agents in Thailand Are Not Always Lawyers
Some recommendations on buying real estate in Thailand with a focus on legal matters that may arise during the process.
Professional Inspection Before a Thai Property Purchase
A discussion on due diligence that should be carried out before completing the conveyancing of property in Thailand.
Foreign Land Ownership Allowed Under the Thai Condominium Act?
Some information and insight with regards to foreigners being able to purchase land in Thailand and amendments to laws that would need to be made to permit that.
Issues with 30 Year "Secured Leases" in Thailand
A discussion on 30-year leases in Thailand and the need to be aware of the problems that could occur on taking out leases of a longer duration.
90 Year Leases in Thailand?
A discussion on an article regarding the proposal for 90-year leases in Thailand.
Foreign Capital Requirements for Thai Condo Buyers?
Some information regarding purchasing a condo in Thailand specifically with regards to the requirement that those funds have been brought in from abroad.
Compliance Issues for Thai Property Holding Companies
A brief discussion on setting up a Company to buy Thai property and negative consequences that could arise if the law is not strictly adhered to.
Source of Funds Issues When Buying Thai Property
Some information regarding buying property in Thailand and the need to prove the source of funds for that purchase.
Which Foreigners, What Type of Thai Real Estate?
A quick discussion regarding recent proposals that have been put forward that appear to indicate that certain wealthy foreigners may be able to buy land in Thailand.