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Foreign Capital Requirements for Thai Condo Buyers?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing condos in Thailand. Specifically we are discussing the Thai Condominium Act.

For those who are unaware, it is possible for a foreign national to gain freehold title over a Thai Condominium. We are talking about being able to basically get the deed for the condo. For those who are unaware, I doubt very many people who watch this channel are unaware of this, but there are very specific restrictions on foreign nationals owning real estate in Thailand. Condos are an exception to the broad rule of foreigners being restricted from owning real estate. Now one of the provisions, one of the provisos associated with that exemption is that funds need to come in from abroad. They have to be foreign funds. I think in a sense the Thai Condo Act was created in order to encourage some foreign investment into Thailand. 

So the thing to understand and the thing to take away from this video, there is documentation associated with proving up the foreign nature of the funds that if that is not done right at the outset, if those formalities are not met, then it is possible that a Thai Condo transfer can't go through because one can't get the title deed because one can't prove the providence one can't prove in essence the foreignness of those funds. So it is probably not a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to prove up the foreign nature of funds associated with the purchase of a condo here in the Kingdom of Thailand.