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Compliance Issues for Thai Property Holding Companies

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Property Holding Companies. I have had a lot of folks contact us about this and a lot of people seem to have a lot of misconceptions on this. 

First of all understand, Thai Law is very clear. Foreign nationals are restricted from owning Thai real estate, heavily restricted. There are certain very narrow exceptions to that. Most of them involve a signature from the Ministry of Interior, specifically the Minister of Interior which is not the easiest thing to come by and there is a great deal of documentation and good reason that goes along with being able to meet one of those exceptions. 

Now a lot of folks will ask about setting up a Thai Company to go ahead and own property. Depending on the circumstances, that may be possible but understand if it is purely being used as subterfuge to undermine Thai Law on the issue, there are serious consequences to that where people can get into serious issues for setting up those kind of structures. So again, I know I am like a broken record on this channel but it is going to be circumstantially dependent and you have got to make sure you are assiduously in line with Thai Law, compliance associated therewith, and maintaining compliance on an ongoing basis for example with respect to Corporate documentation, Corporate filings, Corporate tax filings audited financial statements etc., because falling outside of the law may result in ultimately losing one's property or even possibly criminal penalty.