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Professional Inspection Before a Thai Property Purchase

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing professional inspection of a Thai property or real estate purchase. We are talking about this more in the context of a house or even commercial property. I did another video on this channel describing Thai condominium professional inspections and they are someone similar but one major key difference in a condo as opposed to a freestanding property is there is no Juristic Person with a free standing property. Oftentimes that Juristic Person will go a long way in maintenance of the overall condominium project if you will, the condominium complex and they may have something to do with maintenance of the specific condos themselves. There may be certain things they do for example, plumbing and things oftentimes gets handled by the Juristic.

With a free standing property, you don't have these same issues so I think it is even more incumbent, it is even more imperative on somebody looking to purchase property in Thailand to go ahead and have somebody, a professional come in and inspect the property. You are looking at things like plumbing; structure; damage in any way; water damage if there is anything like that; roofing, those kinds of things to make sure and ascertain everything associated with the property in question. Places aren't going to be perfect but basically a professional come in and point things out and say "ooh that might be a problem, or you got a little crack there but you probably patch that etc." In most cases where we see these professional inspections usually what they find, sometimes it is almost usually pro forma; usually what they find is fairly minor. There are circumstances where we have had situations where a professional inspector has come in and said "Wow there is a real problem with water damage on the first floor here. I mean they have cleaned it up but it is a real problem etc."

So again it depends on the circumstances of the property in question but part of one's due diligence in my opinion should be to have a professional inspection of a property completed before going ahead and perfecting a conveyance of a Thai property purchase.