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ResourcesThai Civil and Commercial CodeBook1Things Title IV Juristic Acts General Provisions

Things Title IV Juristic Acts General Provisions

Page: 22

Section: 145 - 153

Section 145.- Trees when planted for an unlimited period of time are deemed to be component parts of the land on which they stand.

Trees which grow only for a limited period of time and crops which may be harvested one or more times per year are not component parts of the land.


Section 146.- Things temporarily fixed to land or to a building do not become component part of the land or building. The same rule applies to a building or other structure which, in the exercise of a right over another person’s land, has been fixed to the land by the person who has such right.


Section 147.- Accessories are movable things, which are, according to the usual local conception or clear intention of the owner of the principal thing, attached to such things permanently foot its management, use or preservation, and by connection, adjustment or otherwise, brought by the owner into the relation with the principal thing, in which it must serve the principal things.

Even though an accessory is temporarily severed from the principle things, it does not cease to be an accessory.

Saving special disposition to the contrary, the accessory follows the principal thing.


Section 148.- A fruit of a thing is a natural fruit and legal fruit.

Natural fruit denotes that which is a natural offspring of and is obtained from a thing in the normal possession or in the use thereof ; and it is capable of acquisition at the time when it is severed from the thing.

Legal fruit denotes a thing or other interests obtained periodically by the owner from another person for the use of the thing ; it is calculated and may be acquired day by day or according to a period of time fixed.






Section 149.- Juristic acts are lawful and voluntary acts, the immediate purpose of which id to establish juristic relations, between persons to create, modify, transfer, preserve or extinguish rights.


Section 150.- An Act is void if its object is expressly prohibited by law or is impossible, or is contrary to public order or good morals.


Section 151.- An act is not void on account of its differing from a provision of any law if such law does not relate to public order or good moral.


Section 152.- An act, which is not in the form of prescribed by law, is void.


Section 153.-  An act, which does not comply with the requirements concerning capacity of person, is voidable.