Legal Services & Resources
Up to date legal information pertaining to Thai, American, & International Law.
Contact us: +66 2-266 3698
The Importance of Payroll Filings in a Thai Immigration Context
Filing up to date payroll and social security documentation can have a substantial impact upon Thai visa application and extension proceedings.
The American Amity Treaty and Foreign Business Laws in Thailand
The provisions of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity have a substantial impact upon various foreign business rules in Thailand.
United States Visa Applications: What is an IRS Non-filing Letter?
Oftentimes, issues arise with respect to financial documentation in an Immigrant visa applications. A non-filing letter from the IRS is a document some have trouble obtaining.
Ongoing Compliance for BOI Companies in Thailand
Companies which have received Board of Investment (BOI) promotion benefits in Thailand must maintain ongoing compliance to keep up their certification.
How Is a BOI Company Registered in Thailand?
Registration and promotion of a Board of Investment (BOI) certified company is a different process compared to registration of a standard limited company.
Has My US Passport Has Been Revoked Due to Tax Delinquency?
Under current law, if one has a tax deficiency with the IRS in excess of a statutory threshold a passport can be cancelled.
Staff of Amity Treaty Companies Still Need Thai Work Permits
Notwithstanding assertions on the internet to the contrary, all staff of an Amity Treaty company need to have work permits.
Thailand Tax Forms: PP 30 Value Added Tax (VAT) Payment Form
The Por Por 30 is the form used for VAT filings in Thailand.
Thailand Tax Forms: Form PND 1 for Tax Withholding from Salaries
The Por Ngor Dor 1 is used when filing tax documentation pertaining to salary and payroll withholding.