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ALERT: "Crackdown On Foreigners Operating Illegal Business" In Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing what looks like a major crackdown on our hands with regard to foreigners working illegally here in Thailand. I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that's, the article is titled: Illegal American-run daycare centre for foreign children on Ko Phangan raided. 8 people arrested. Quoting directly: "American woman arrested at illegal Ko Phangan daycare centre or crèche. 8 detained as latest Immigration Bureau crackdown targets foreign business violators across Thailand." 

Yeah, and I urge those as per usual go check out this article in detail by Thai Examiner; as per usual they are very detailed in their coverage of this. But the thing to take away from this video is as discussed in some videos in the past weeks, we are now seeing the twilight if you will of high season; we have gotten through February, we are now into March. Yes Songkran is a holiday festival here in Thailand but March is always an area or a time frame when we do see a lot of Immigration crackdowns happening and it looks like we are back to that rhythm yet again. Quoting further: "An American woman operating an illegal daycare centre for foreign children on Ko Phangan was arrested on Wednesday. The raid on the centre catering for 20 foreign children with foreign nannies and maids, was led by the Immigration Bureau in Surat Thani. Afterwards, the Commander of Immigration Police in the province said that they had been given a new policy directive. In short this was to crack down on illegal business concerns linked with foreigners. In all, eight people were taken into custody at Ko Phangan Police Station." Then quoting further, and I think it is worth repeating this because again the relevant Immigration Officers, well the relevant Law Enforcement Officers went out of their way to note this. Again quoting further: "Afterwards, Immigration Bureau Officers made it clear that a crackdown on foreigners operating illegal business concerns in Thailand is underway." I don't think they could be any more clear in saying "hey yeah we are looking at foreign businesses that may be in violation, not only with the Foreign Business Act but also foreigners who may be operating a business at least ostensibly legally but then their actual activities are falling into conflict with for example the restricted occupations, those occupations restricted only to Thai Nationals here in the Kingdom of Thailand. 

So the thing to take away from this video is I would take this seriously. When law enforcement is going out of their way here in Thailand to state that there has been a new policy directive, and they have been specifically tasked, specifically if you will ordered if you will or given policy guidance to go ahead and go after foreign businesses who may be operating in contravention of Thailand's not only business laws but also labour laws, it is a good idea to take heed as a foreigner here in the Kingdom of Thailand.