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Amity Certification For Restaurants In Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Amity certification just as a preface. So American businesses or American individuals looking to do business here in the Kingdom of Thailand can avail themselves of the benefits of what is called the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. The US-Thai Treaty of Amity is a very long-standing Treaty between the United States and Thailand and the provisions of which grant Americans the right to, or the benefit I should say of "national treatment" here in Thailand under the terms of the Treaty meaning, notwithstanding the terms of the Foreign Business Act, which for other nationalities may compel under certain circumstances the setup of a 49% foreign owned 51% Thai owned company, under an Amity Treaty structure it is possible to set up a company with 100% American ownership. Again Certification of Amity status is a must under those circumstances but it may be a benefit that one can avail themselves of when setting up a company here in Thailand which brings us to the issue of restaurants. 

Food and beverage, restaurants, that sector of the business community here in Thailand, can especially avail themselves if they are American, of the Amity Treaty benefits. Now there are certain restrictions under the Treaty that still reserves certain types of work, certain types of business to Thai nationals only but under the Amity Treaty, it is pretty clear to me and I have assisted a number of clients over the years in getting their Amity Treaty Certification in order to own their own business, specifically their own restaurant business oftentimes, but again bar and grill kind of setup, this type of thing, I have assisted many clients over the years in setting up those type of structures and it can be highly beneficial most notably because a person can own their company. They don't have to deal with any other types of partners or any sort of outside interference if you are looking at it from that perspective. So again, Amity Certification can be a major benefit for those looking to set up a restaurant here in the Kingdom of Thailand.