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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawAre "Classic" Thai Work Permits Still the Best?

Are "Classic" Thai Work Permits Still the Best?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the "classic" Work Permit. We have discussed in another video made contemporaneously with this one as well as in other videos over the past few years, there has been a lot of discussion about different options with respect to visa and work authorization status. I think that a lot of the ballyhoo overlooks the fact that there remains this "classic" Work Permit. 

I have discussed Smart Visas, these proposed Digital Nomad Visas etc., certain visas provided by the BOI which may have a Work Permit either attached to them as in a Smart Visa or it has a standard Work Permit which stands alone aside the Visa status. In either case, BOI has been around a long time. Certain companies are going to meet those requirements and BOI is great, it is fine. It is fine for its purpose. But when looking at these Smart Visas and Digital Nomad Visas and the work authorization associated therewith, there remains a Work Permit out there that remains the "Classic" Work Permit. It gets overlooked and fortunately because the news talks about the new thing and talks about things that, they want to talk about the exotic basically and a lot of these newly created all these newly created or newly discussed visas with work authorization are kind of exotic because they haven't existed before.

That being said, those who are looking to come to Thailand to set up a small business, a small company just to do business here in the Kingdom, frankly most of the time the majority of the time I am dealing with the client, the classic Work Permit is going to suit their purposes fine.