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Are Thai Companies "Easy" to Set Up?

Transcript of the above video: 

I got an email the other day, somebody was excoriating me for, I don't know, and they were saying, "well it's really easy to set up a Thai Company", and my initial reaction was just sort of like "well then you go do it!" But that being said, anybody who ever uses the terminology "easy" with anything having to do with the Thai legal system in my opinion is naïve to say the least. 

Look at the end of the day, is it the hardest thing in the world to set up a Thai Company? Not exactly, but there are formalities associated with it; it's all in the Thai language. For those who have never done business or don't read speak or write Thai, it can be pretty problematic. Meanwhile, yeah you will find places that will say "oh yeah I can just set you up with one real quick and here's the price." The problem is they don't tell you everything associated with it, including the price of ongoing compliance, as well as things associated with wind down etc. So the thing I would say is in taking away from this video is foreigners looking to do business in Thailand you need to first of all figure out what kind of company you need. If you're an American, you may be able to avail yourself of the provisions of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. There may be other provisions in for example the enabling Act for the Eastern Economic Corridor as well as the Board of Investment that you may be able to avail yourself in certain concessions. 

Long story short, the actual setup of the Company may be easy but it may have long-term ramifications that may be not so easy.