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Are There Thai Work Permit Issues Working from Home?

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I have had this question posed to me a lot here recently: "Are there issues with respect to Thai Work Permits when working from home?" 

The reason for the question I think is a lot of people; Thai Labour Law at one time was very strict insofar as it required, it was kind of like the H1B Visa in the United States in that you were work authorized within the parameters, within the confines of the address where you were work authorized. That has since changed. There was an Emergency Decree back in 2018 on this which basically changed the way that they analyze working in Thailand. There was a time where it was at least ostensibly, it seemed that you have work authorization within the province so long as you were operating within the parameters of your job description; your job in Thailand; your job title. Then it really opened up a little bit more where they said yeah countrywide we are not going to be looking for people being in violation of Labour Laws with respect to a Work Permit. If they are operating within the parameters of their job description; they are not engaged in a restricted occupation, we are not going to make a big issue over where they are working. 

So the thing to take away from this video is, yeah working from home and the other thing to understand is we are operating under another Emergency Decree, March 2020, with respect to the overall situation involving the pandemic so if folks are being required to work from home due to the fact that they are unable to come into work for reasons pertaining to this overall situation, yeah I do not think Labour Department is out there looking to make problems for folks who are compelled to work at home due to the current pandemic.