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B Visa Implications for Changing Jobs in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing B or Business Visas and we are discussing this in the context of changing jobs in Thailand. This happens relatively frequently. We see folks who get into needing to deal with this.

Unfortunately, in the past it was rather a straightforward endeavour to change from one job to another. In fact you actually kept your Business Visa going in the past and oftentimes what we deal with is what is called a "cross endorsement" where the Work Permit would essentially have two employers and then you pull off the old employer and just keep the Business Visa going. Protocols have changed since I have ever been dealing with Business Visas and in the past few years they have actually affirmatively ended the B Visa and then restarted it. It all can happen in one fluid motion but yeah you do effectively end one visa and start into another Visa. That is the way they prefer it be done now. If you don't do it correctly, you could end up falling into overstay inadvertently because you end up with a hole in your status because you didn't get it all done in one smooth motion. 

The other thing to bear in mind with respect to B Visa changes is whether or not you are dealing with the BOI. BOI Companies do things very differently from standard Business Visas. It may be easier but if you are converting from a BOI operation to a non-BOI operation, it could be a rather cumbersome process. It is probably a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how to deal with that. On top of that there also are folks that are here on Smart Visas that sometimes are looking to make a change. That may or may not be possible again depending on your factual circumstances. 

I don't want to drill down too awful deep into that because it is really, really driven by the specific facts of a case. For those again who feel like they may need some help with that, it might be a good idea to go ahead and contact a legal professional.