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Banking For Branch Offices In Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Branch Offices here in Thailand. For those who are unaware, we are talking about an office that is a branch of an offshore entity so for example a company in the United States, or the UK may be able to set up a branch office here in Thailand that is a branch of that entity which is abroad.

There are pros and cons to Branch Offices. There are a number of them, I am not going to go into the corporate side of that in terms of corporate governance and corporate construct as well as liability, I have done other videos on that but I thought of making this video after doing a deep dive with regard to Banking Insurance and looking at the Deposit Protection Agency's website, and I thought that this was interesting. So:

"Who is protected?

Foreigners with Thai Baht deposit accounts at member financial institutions in Thailand are also protected under the Deposit Protection Agency Act. However, "Non-Resident Baht Accounts" as defined in the Exchange Control Act B.E. 2485 (1942) are not protected." Quoting further:

"A "Non-Resident Baht Account" is a special type of deposit account denominated in Thai Baht that is used solely for transactions as specified in the exchange control at. A "Non-Resident" means, and then they go through it, and then,

"However "Non-Residents" exclude: then they go: "Branches and Agents of foreign juristic persons located in Thailand".

So again you may be able to avail yourself of insurance protection in a banking context if you are a branch office here in Thailand as a result of again what it says here on this website. So again you are not considered “Non-Resident” notwithstanding the fact that you may be a foreign company if you have a branch incorporated here in the Kingdom of Thailand.