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Can a Foreigner Own More Than One Company in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests we are discussing whether foreigners can own more than one Corporation in Thailand. 

Strictly speaking, I would say the answer to that says "Yes you can own multiple companies in Thailand." Now there may be Work Permit issues associated with what one is doing with respect to these other companies. For example, passive ownership, just ownership of one company or an ownership interest in one company while also being operational like actually working within the umbrella of another company, that may be possible. Again we are going to get into a situation here, I know some folks that watch our videos don't like it when I say this, but it is going to be circumstantially dependent. I know I sound like a broken record with that. It is going to depend on the specific facts which are in play in the given case. 

Long story short, yes it is possible to own or have ownership interest in more than one company in Thailand but it is a good idea to keep one's work authorization, keep a good eye on that, make sure you are not operating outside the parameters of one's work authorization, job title, job description. Again passive ownership of a company, of a second company, or second operation may not be a big issue but where you start seeping into the operational aspects of different corporate entities that can actually could in theory pose a problem with respect to labour regulations here in this Kingdom of Thailand.