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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawCan I Change My Company's Name in Thailand?

Can I Change My Company's Name in Thailand?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Corporate name changes in Thailand. Sometimes I get folks, they contact us about Company name changes.

Long story short, yes it is possible to change a Company's name. Depending on circumstances, it may be somewhat difficult to do it depending again on, I know I am a broken record, the facts on the underlying case. Long story short it is possible to do it. Now if you are moving a company for example from one province to another and you are changing the name in the process, that could create some extra timing issues associated with actually perfecting the filing of the name change. Other issues involve whether or not it may be deemed that you are changing the Company's name to something too similar to for example a competitor; there are some issues that come up with that especially in the reservation of the name, when reserving the name. 

Long story short yes it is possible to change a Thai Company's name. It takes a little bit of time; it takes a little bit of expense in terms of resources but it can be done. Quite frankly presently with the Coronavirus in the background, it is taking longer to process a lot of these things through the Government at the present time but it is getting done. I think ultimately moving forward yes it is definitely possible to change a Company name. It is just the underlying facts will dictate how long it is going to take and the likely cost involved.