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Corporate Bank Accounts in Thailand
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Corporate Bank Accounts here in Thailand. For those who are unaware, it is possible for a Corporation to have banking facilities here in Thailand. Generally speaking this is probably only going to be possible for some sort of incorporated entity here in Thailand to maintain those facilities. So like a foreign company, probably going to have a hard time setting up a Thai Bank Account; if not a hard time, is probably going to be impossible.
Now that being stated, Thailand's banking system is somewhat, again I hesitate to use the word "antiquated" because it's not the right word, there is "some method to the madness" if you will. I actually rather like the Thai Banking System now that I kind of understand it but to those who have never dealt with it, it may look like something out of the history books from the West. We still have savings accounts, corporate savings accounts, corporate current accounts; those are two different things, have two different functions. They may be linked together, they may not depending on how everything is set up. Things associated with online banking which I made a video contemporaneously with this one where I discussed that in a little more detail but yes, Corporate Banking in a way, may be a little bit more akin to banking as we would have seen it in like the '90s in America. That said, there is an online component which allows folks to be able to deal with this stuff in a much more direct manner online. At the same time, there is the sort of analog component where you have to go in and deal with cheques and things. Look cheques are an integral part of everything I do. I actually still write cheques; I signed one a moment before going on this video to go ahead and pay some expenses here for the firm. Yeah, they are still around, paper checks it's something that is still very much alive and well when you are dealing with corporate banking here in Thailand.
All of these things are possible. If you do set up a company generally speaking you're also going to need a Work Permit associated with that Company to undertake certain complex tasks associated with banking here in Thailand. For those who find this kind of overwhelming, it may not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.