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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawDifferent Statutes Different Work Permits in Thailand

Different Statutes Different Work Permits in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Work Permits in Thailand. For those who are unaware, there are kind of different kind of Work Permits. We have discussed at length, the so-called E-Work Permit, so the Work Permit that is sort of digitally issued. It is like a digital document in many ways. You can get a printout of it and everything but it is sort of kept in the Cloud if you will. Then there is the standard Work Permit and like SMEs, standard Thai companies, but there are other statutes in Thailand that empower the Government, empower the bureaucracy and the Labour Ministry oftentimes although it may not necessarily come through them, that empowers work authorization. 

Notably things like BOI, the Board of Investment, they have a different statutory structure associated with labour regulations. Another thing is Industrial Estate Authority as well as Petroleum Act may garner Work Permit status here in Thailand under the provisions of those different statues. 

As a practical matter, there can be some issues in Work Permit transitioning. If you are going from sort of for lack of a better term a special kind of work from a category for example a Work Permit issued under the Petroleum Act rather than just a standard run of the mill Work Permit and like if you leave your job to move to another Work Permit or something, transitioning might be nettlesome if you are sort of moving from one Act to the other; you are moving from the authority of one Act to the other, the Work Permit ramifications can be complex. 

So for those who are in a situation where they are looking to change jobs possibly, or maybe start their own business, go out on their own and they have a Work Permit under sort of a non-standard just a non-run of the mill Work Permit, it might not be a terrible idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.