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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawA "Different" Work Permit for Directors in Thailand?

A "Different" Work Permit for Directors in Thailand?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the notion of a different type of Work Permit for a Director in Thailand. Let me preface this by being clear. I am talking about SMEs, kind of the broad type of Work Permit that most everybody has here in Thailand; Business Visa with Work Permit.

The question posed is: "Is it a fundamentally different type of Work Permit for a Director?" In a very real sense it is. Now formally it is not. Everybody just has a Work Permit. For a Director, the nice thing about being a Director or Managing Director on a Work Permit is the job description is what it is. We have done videos where the job description was once very important; these days it is definitely not the priority it once was but job description can have some issues with respect to the adjudication of a Work Permit. In many ways a Director's Work Permit, I won't say it is processed in any way more easily, but it is one of those things where anything in a bureaucracy that is defined, so like a "Director", that is the title, that is the job description, they are the Director of the Company. Anything like that that can be easily defined and easily quantified by the adjudicating Officers inside of any bureaucracy that is going to be a more straightforward endeavour when it comes to processing. 

So in certain ways just as a practical matter, I kind of find that Work Permits for Directors are in a very real sense they are substantially different than a Work Permit for somebody who is just an employee of a Company.