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Documentation For Thai Business Visa Application

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing documentation associated with Business Visa Application. I don't mean to sound like a broken record but this is another one of those videos where I am going to say look it is going to depend on your type of company, on the type of company you are operating under and that type of company is going to be scrutinized when you are dealing with the Business Visa application.

So again, certain companies are going to have different, depending on what type of business you do, are going to have different types of documentation that is issued in relation to its doing of business. Also the thing to bear in mind is the number of employees that exist in the company and their status with regards to Social Security, that is going to be a factor in terms of documentation. There are also going to be a number of factors in terms of what is your role within the company that is going to have an impact on the documentation you are going to submit in association with a Business Visa application. I mean these applications are oftentimes quite thick, they look like a phone book by the time we are done putting them together and having somebody from our office walk one of our clients through the Immigration Office usually here in Bangkok although we do assist folks down in Pattaya as well.

The long story short is, for the most part, the documentation is largely similar from one company to the next but again it is going to be fact based, it is going to be driven by the circumstances in a specific case.