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Due Diligence in Buying a Business in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, and we have done other videos on this topic in years past, regarding Due Diligence for acquisition of a Business in Thailand and I think this is especially of concern right about now. We are now in the fourth quarter of 2021; we are here in November 2021 and we are starting to see it looks like more people are going to be able to come in, especially quarantine free and there is a lot of interest because quite frankly there have been a lot of problems in the Business World here especially in the tourism sector and there may be bargains to be had with respect to possibly purchasing a Business.

I can't explain how much, I really can't express enough how important Due Diligence is with respect to those who are looking to buy into a business. This is especially true where I have talked to folks especially in the last month or so who are looking to get into a business or purchase an ongoing business who are doing so remotely; they are doing so from afar. Not only is it a good idea to have a legal professional quite frankly assist in the Due Diligence in understanding what exactly you are buying, what is operating what is not etc. it is not a bad idea to really seriously consider coming and looking at the business as well. I have seen folks that are very excited about making a deal but it is always a good idea to see it for yourself. I wear a lawyer hat in what I do. Our Attorneys here on staff, the Thai Attorneys who provide legal advice and assist with Due Diligence they can do that up to a point but it is you who are going to be running that business so in my opinion and I don't think anybody out there is genuinely trying to get into a business before they actually see it, that is really not what is going on but I think people get very excited while they are still abroad about a possible purchase and I don't know they are necessarily disappointed, but in some cases I think they may come in and their excitement spills over and perhaps causes them to make, I won't say a rash decision, but a decision which might not have been based on the level of scrutiny that maybe they should base it on depending on circumstances. 

So something to think about. If you are looking to buy a business here in Thailand Due Diligence is very important and part of that is you having a look at that business for yourself.