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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawDue Diligence When Buying Thai Property Holding Companies

Due Diligence When Buying Thai Property Holding Companies

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Property Holding Companies and due diligence associated with acquisition thereof. Now what are we talking about here? Well we often times see this in the context of operational companies that the Company may actually own a piece of property. For example you will often see this in like a guest house context, this kind of thing. Long story short, somebody may be wanting to buy that business. Part of that business is the property itself and part of it may be the operation that is operating on that platform. 

The question to be answered by this video and what we are discussing here is the due diligence side of this. Why is it important? Well a couple of key things. Not only do you have to make sure that the property is actually owned by the Holding Company, you have got to double check on that for sure, but also there are issues associated with for example corporate maintenance, tax filings associated with the Company. You have got to make sure it has maintained all of that or it could jeopardize the ongoing business or it could lead to unforeseen tax liabilities here in Thailand.

Now we do often times assist folks with due diligence associated with corporations here in Thailand as well as due diligence associated with property matters and in some contexts, the acquisition of a business which may hold some property. Again it is all going to be very case specific; it is going to be very dependent on the circumstances, the facts in a given case. That stated it is good to understand that due diligence is a really, really good idea in these circumstances because part two of that is these can be very complex acquisitions from a legal standpoint and you want to make sure all your ducks are in a row before expending irrevocable time and resources in the acquisition or getting stuck with something that isn't exactly what you bargained for.