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How Long Does It Take to Incorporate a Thai Amity Company?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing US-Thai Treaty of Amity issues. For those who are unaware, America, or I should say the United States of America and the Kingdom of Thailand have a bilateral Treaty relationship that goes back to I believe 190 years now. The latest iteration of this occurred in 1966 under the auspices of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity ratified by the US Senate in that same year, signed by Lyndon Baines Johnson I believe. That Treaty is pretty important for Americans looking to do business here because it provides National Treatment to American Companies in Thailand, American Companies doing business in Thailand.  This is notwithstanding the restrictions on foreign nationals pursuant to the Foreign Business Act here in Thailand; we're talking about two different things. This is very, very important because, really I can't stress this enough. I had Treaty Certification when I first came to Thailand on the Company, it's important. It really does provide substantial benefit to Americans looking to do business here.

Now the question posed is 'how long does it take to set one up?' Well yet again, I hate sounding like a broken record in these videos but it's going to be very circumstantially dependent; it's going to depend greatly on what the underlying business activity is going to be in that given country. It's also going to be greatly dependent on quite honestly the case load and the workload of the various both Thai and American organs that one needs to deal with in order to get that Treaty Company both incorporated and its certification perfected. Generally speaking I would not presume it is going to take much less than a couple of months to get all the formalities in order. That may be a little bit too much time as a practical matter but from my standpoint and where I sit, it's going to take some time, it's going to take a matter of weeks to go ahead and not only incorporate such a Company but also ensure that it is certified pursuant to the provisions of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity.