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Is It "Worth It" to Set Up a Company in Thailand?

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Recently, the past few weeks, I have actually been talking to a lot more to tourists and prospective Expats because quite frankly Thailand is a lot more open than she has been in quite some time. It has been quite interesting to talk to folks but one thing that a fair number of people have asked me the past couple of weeks, "Is it really worth it to set up a Company in Thailand?" Let me be clear, when I say the people that are asking me this we are generally talking about people usually younger than me now. They are usually in their 30s, early 30s into their middle 30s; they are kind of looking around. A lot of times they have, oftentimes it's an online business, a small business of some kind or maybe even a relatively big business; I don't know, I didn't delve in that deep. They have asked me, "Is it really worth it to set up a company in Thailand?" My response to that is, "What do you want to do?" It might be very worth it. It has proven very worth it to me. My Company was ultimately the vehicle, we got the firm set up and we started doing business here; it kept me here; I could maintain Work Permits, Business Visas, do our job here, help a lot of folks build the business over time and then it ultimately ended up a vehicle to hop over into Long-Term Residence, citizenship, just long-term status here in Thailand and it kept me work authorized. There were a lot of benefits to having a Company here in Thailand. On top of that, in my particular case being an American, there was the US-Thai Treaty of Amity which let me certify my company under the Treaty so I could own it 100%; that was a major benefit. Yeah I mean it depends on what you want to do. If you are looking to just come through Thailand and hang out for a year, well I don't know, it depends. Again your circumstances will depend on it but probably not. But if you are looking to be in Thailand long term, if you really want to make a go of it in Thailand and believe me when I say I do believe Thailand is a country worth making a go of it in, it is definitely a place where you can have a good life and you can have a good time. It is an enjoyable place to live as well as work. I mean honestly work here in certain ways maybe even harder than working in the West but off time here is great; I love being off in Thailand. 

But long story short yeah, I mean is it worth it to set up a Thai Company? Yeah if you are willing to work at it, you are really looking to do business in Thailand, if you are doing it on a lark or something, well that may not be the best motivation for setting up a company here in Thailand.