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No More 4-to-1 Thai-to-Foreign Employee Ratio for Work Permits?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Work Permits in Thailand and the 4-to-1 Thai-to-Foreign employee ratio.

For those who are unaware, there is this required ratio at least as of the time of this video in virtually all matters pertaining to a Work Permit and a Visa in Thailand that a company looking to hire a foreign national has to maintain four Thai employees for every one foreign national employee. 

A recent article from Thai PBS World, that is, the article is titled: Several Incentives Approved to Attract Long-staying Foreign Investors, Wealthy Foreigners. Quoting directly: "The requirement that 4 Thai nationals will have to be employed for every foreigner hired will also be lifted, he added." Now this seems to only be relevant in a narrow subset of these newly created visas that they are bringing online. I have done a number of other videos on this channel. I urge folks to go check those out our most recent videos. We have talked about this at length, these new visas to attract "wealthy" expats. It would appear that it is highly possible that this lifting of the 4-to-1 ratio may only apply to these narrow categories. If that is the case, this is not going to be a benefit that is really going to broadly help the expat community here in Thailand as a whole. It is probably only going to apply to those who can meet the criteria associated with these newly created visas.

That stated, it remains to be seen so we will definitely keep people updated on this channel as the situation evolves.