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No Rationalizing It: "Sponsored" Work Permits Are Illegal in Thailand

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing yet again so-called "sponsored" Work Permits. I have discussed this in other videos at length on this channel but long story short, yeah this notion that you can sort of buy a Work Permit off someone or like rent one on their Company; this term is called Sponsored Work Permits which doesn't even really mean anything every Work Permit has a sponsor.

The notion that you can just sort of buy this type of document from someone is really quite a misnomer to say the least. In point of fact it is affirmatively illegal because you are not doing what you are saying you are doing. If you are just paying someone to get a Work Permit, you are not really working there, you are lying, it is fraud; we have discussed this in other videos. 

I have had a lot of people over time sort of correspond with me and they said "well, you know" and they kind of hum and haw and basically try to rationalize it but at the end of the day there is no rationalization. If you are not working where you say you are working in a job you say you are working in, that is illegal. If it is discovered and we have seen Labour Department deal with these in the past, usually we deal with folks that sort of come back in the aftermath unfortunately where they have kind of been burned by this, but it is a real problem and it could even be deemed to be human trafficking under certain circumstances. 

So the thing to take away from this video is don't try to rationalize it. Sponsored Work Permits in Thailand are not legal.