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Overview of US-Thai Treaty of Amity Benefits

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. For those who are unaware, this can be a major benefit to Americans looking to do business here in Thailand. This video is just a brief overview; just some basic information about the Treaty.

Long story short, Americans can do business in Thailand. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Foreign Business Act, they may be able to own their own business virtually 100% pursuant to the provisions of the Treaty again notwithstanding the Foreign Business Act which generally requires a 51/49% split between a Thai owner and a foreign shareholder. 

The purpose of this video again just an overview, but the Amity Treaty provides national treatment under the provisions. Those companies that are certified under the Treaty as American are granted national treatment. That means and this is very important, this is key, they are treated as if they were a Thai Company, and that is a real benefit. That is the benefit in my opinion associated with this. First and foremost is that company is treated as if it were a Thai Company. Therefore there are a lot of benefits that accrue with that not least of which is ownership but other things including it is just treated as not foreign. That is a huge benefit. I have done other videos on this channel. There may also actually incidentally be certain tax advantages in an American context associated with the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. I am not going to get into great detail on that here. I have done videos on that. I have written up a brief, basically a breakdown of how that operates and the legal analysis.

Long story short there are a number of benefits associated with operating a business here in Thailand under the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. Those Americans looking to do business here in Thailand, that should be the first place you look because that just places you on better footing in my opinion, than virtually any other type of status to be in, at least for starting out in an SME capacity.