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Possible Future Benefits of Thai Work Permits?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing possible future benefits of Thai Work Permits. So why am I making this video?  I made this video after reading a recent article from the Pattaya Mail, that is, the article is titled: New tourist tax on hold for umpteenth time. Quoting directly: "The proposed tax revenue is bedeviled by collection issues since it does not apply to Thais or foreign permanent residents (identified as those who can stay in Thailand indefinitely without a due date in their passport) and holders of Thai Work Permits."

I urge those who are watching this video, go check out that article because the thrust of it goes a very different way than what we are talking about. What we are talking about here is Thai Work Permits. One benefit, I have discussed it before and I am discussing it here again; when lockdown happened, so if you go back into March of 2020 we basically went into a full lockdown. That lasted about six weeks and then around about the beginning of May they started just kind of cracking open basically the doors of Thailand to be able to get into the country. It began with: ‘okay we're going to allow citizens to return, Permanent Residents and Work Permit holders’. A lot of people forget that during the lockdown Work Permit holders were allowed back in. 

Meanwhile during this proposed sort of Tourist Tax which I am kind of hoping never comes to fruition but they keep talking about it, it's starting to kind of remind me of 'travel bubbles' during the COVID era where they kept talking about 'travel bubbles' and it never really happened but this Tourist Tax thing seems to keep kind of coming up and then it doesn't ever seem to go anywhere but media reports, it is noteworthy, it needs to be reported on. But again if in the event they ever do impose a so-called tourist tax, it is clear that Thai Work Permit holders would not be subject to that. Now part of the reason for that is likely it's based on the fact that there's no, well not 'no' but Tourist Tax is redundant so Thai Work Permit holders are already dealing with taxes because that is part and parcel of having a work permit. But the thing to take away from this video, is those are just two examples of substantial benefit associated with Work Permits here in the Kingdom of Thailand.