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Properly Canceling a Thai Work Permit Remains Important

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Work Permits. This may seem counterintuitive and I have done other videos some time ago on this topic but cancellation of a Thai Work Permit, of a foreign national's Work Permit in Thailand, in many ways is as important as a subsequent reapplication. I mean it is important as anything I guess I should say. 

In the past it was sort of possible to let Thai Work Permits just lapse but now there needs to be affirmative steps taken to cancel them least one ends up actually fined but more importantly if a Work Permit is not correctly canceled, if it doesn't go through the formal process of correct cancellation, it can lead to a situation which can make it very difficult for a foreign national to get a new Work Permit issued for a subsequent job. In a lot of cases this is a problem and can lead to sometimes even situations where folks end up in overstay depending on the circumstances, but also a situation where a person is not possible to convert into a new visa, in this case a Business Visa and possibly a new Work Permit or it may compel them to have to do a "border run" where they have to leave the country and come back in which under current circumstances is not a real optimal way to do things. 

The thing to take away from this video is canceling or I should say correctly canceling your Work Permit is just as important as the process of getting a new one. In many ways unlike the past where you could just let it lapse, you need to take some affirmative steps. Even if your employer is cavalier about such things, for you personally, the Work Permit holder, it is important to correctly cancel your Work Permit so that you leave options open for yourself down the road.