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Review of the Business Benefits of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the US-Thai Treaty of Amity and the benefits associated therewith. This is kind of a review video. For those who have watched my channel for some time now, this will just all be review but we are getting a lot of new expats coming in. We're getting a lot of new folks looking at Thailand; a lot of folks coming to Thailand for the first time, finding out how much they like it and looking to do business here. And it's worth noting that Americans can avail themselves of serious benefits to doing business in Thailand notwithstanding the Foreign Business Act's restrictions on certain activities by foreigners due to the provisions of the US-Thai Treaty of Amity. What am I talking about? 

Well one of the biggest benefits is what's called National Treatment under the US-Thai Treaty of Amity which stipulates that any American doing business that is certified under the Treaty or American business doing business in Thailand under the Treaty that is certified under the Treaty, is granted what's called National Treatment i.e. they are treated as if they were a Thai Business. So the Foreign Business Act does not apply because there's a legal fiction created that that business is Thai. That's how the Treaty works and that is major benefit for those looking to do business here in Thailand especially Americans, notably Americans, specifically Americans I guess I should say.

That being said there are still restricted activities within the terms of the Treaty. I have discussed that at length in other videos on this channel, but National Treatment in and of itself is a significant benefit for those looking to do business here in the Kingdom of Thailand.