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Setting Up a Restaurant, Bar, Or Club Using a Thai Company
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing setting up a restaurant, club or bar here in Thailand and utilizing a Thai Company to do it.
I'm specifically making this video for foreigners who are looking to come to Thailand to set up businesses here in Thailand. And bear in mind, no matter what anybody says about work authorization, if you're working in Thailand, you're owning a business, you're actually physically doing work in Thailand which bar, restaurant, that kind of thing clearly falls under that, you need a Work Permit. I'm really tired of having to talk about this because everybody says, "oh I was told I don't need a Work Permit". You do. If you're working in Thailand, you need a Work Permit. We've gone through all that, cited at all. Believe me, don't believe me, but that's just a fact.
So that being said, setting up a company is generally speaking the best way to go ahead and do that because you need a company to act as the sponsor for both the Business Visa and the Work Permit for someone looking to set up a restaurant or bar or club, whatever you're looking to do here - basically physical plant, brick and mortar type of entertainment, or F&B, food and beverage type establishment. Now as part of the process, you have got to get the company set up, you have got to deal with Social Security, you have got to deal with the proper ratio of employees, you also have to deal with the Business Visa and then the Work Permit application as well as renewal on a regular basis in order to maintain lawful status to be able to live and work and maintain a restaurant or food and beverage business here in the Kingdom of Thailand