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A "Sponsored" Work Permit IS Immigration Fraud in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing sponsored Work Permits. Some people think I have some sort of obsession with this but there seems to be a lot of misconception out there regarding this; a lot of misinformation for lack of a better term and I thought this video hopefully will spell it out as directly as it can be spelled out. 

So, let's be clear what we are talking about with a "Sponsored" Work Permit. This seems to be some euphemism that has been created to describe basically where someone pays a Company to hire them and thereby get them a Work Permit and Visa. That is Immigration fraud. The purpose of a Work Permit and a Visa is to actually work for the Company. If it is merely being used as subterfuge for obtaining a Work Permit and a Visa, that is not even in line with the spirit of the Immigration Act. You have to actually be working for the employer. So by definition, if you don't work, really work for that Company, it is illegal. You are not in compliance with the law on that; it is even arguably possibly human trafficking although that may be a bit of a stretch. 

That being stated, I get this a lot because I think people are trying to for lack a better term, convince themselves that it is in line with the rules. Again, just to put it out there bluntly, if you don't really work for the Company that you are paying; to pay a company to get you a Work Permit, first of all, you are not working there. I mean somebody would get you a Work Permit if you are working for them but to pay a company to get you that, on top of that you are not even really working there, yeah it is just illegal. It is in violation of Immigration Law and it is not a genuine way, a bona fide way, of maintaining status here in the Kingdom of Thailand.