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Streamlined Work Permits in Thailand Soon?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing streamlined Work Permits and Visas, soon. Will this happen? 

In a recent article from the Bangkok Post, that is, the article is titled: Time to Rethink Future Growth Channels. This article is basically an interview with the Kla Party leader and former Finance Minister, Korn Chatikavanij. Quoting directly: "Mr. Korn has also proposed the Government allow more foreign experts to work in Thailand as well as create an appropriate climate for work and investment. Obstacles regarding Visas, Work Permits, Immigration procedures should be solved quickly." Again this article is: Time to Rethink Future Growth I urge those who are interested in this to check this out. There is a lot in here. 

Mr. Korn, I remember him talking at various times throughout my time here in Thailand. Very well respected individual; again former Finance Minister. He has a very good grasp I think, on the of dynamic between business, government, bureaucracy and how they all interplay together and then also I think he has a very good grasp on how Thailand specifically, but how any country to a certain extent can lure for lack of a better term or encourage foreign investment, foreign participation in this economy. He brings up a good point. Visas, Work Permits, Immigration procedures, should be solved quickly; bring in more foreign experts. Yeah, there is a lot going on. The world is moving very quickly and some foreign expertise I think would probably be quite a boon to Thailand in many ways. For this reason, I discuss it all the time. Whether or not it will happen, Korn is certainly not part of any current government but he is definitely someone I think that folks in Thailand both inside and outside the establishment, listen to pretty carefully.

Yeah, we need to probably be looking, at least in the future, and making some serious changes to increase foreign direct investment in Thailand because coming off 2021, we are going to have an uphill battle to get the economy back to where we want it to be.