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Thai Amity Treaty Company Setup in 2022

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the US-Thai Treaty of Amity and Company set up here in Thailand with certification under said Treaty in 2022. 

So what are we talking about here? Well unlike a number of other nationalities, in fact most other nationalities, Americans can come to Thailand and set up a Company with virtually 100% ownership notwithstanding the provisions of the Foreign Business Act which usually require foreign companies to set up in a 51% Thai - 49% foreign type structure. The reason, it depends on the situation, but the reason that it is allowed under the Treaty is due to the provision providing national treatment to American Companies operating in Thailand. This national treatment means that these companies are treated just like a Thai Company. It sort of sort of negates the Foreign Business Act because they are never considered foreign to begin with. 

So the thing to take away from this video is “what are things going to look like with respect to the process in 2022?” I think largely it is going to look a lot like 2021 although I will say we have seen things moving a little bit more slowly when dealing with the underlying incorporation of the business as well as the Amity Certification. This is due frankly to internal protocols within the bureaucracies here in Thailand as well as within the bureaucracies associated with certification of these companies within the US Embassy. Various protocols associated with trying to take precautions for the pandemic have resulted in things moving more slowly. I think this will probably persist in the early part of 2022. Hopefully we will see this kind of easing off as the year comes to an end.