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Thai BOI Company Setup in 2022

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the Board of Investment or BOI. BOI Companies or the Board of Investment can grant certain concessions to those looking to do business here in Thailand under a corporate structure most notably things like tax breaks; concessions with respect to Work Permits; concessions with respect to foreign ownership. There are a number of things that BOI can confer upon a Company. The question posed by this video is will be overall process of both incorporation and BOI registration change much going into 2022?

Long story short, I don't really see a lot of substantive changes but bear in mind we have started seeing longer processing times associated with filings and processing at various bureaucracies here in the Kingdom of Thailand not least of which BOI and DBD when dealing with in dealing with the actual incorporation things are just moving more slowly for a number of different reasons most notably precautions associated with the pandemic. People are doing things in a different way than they did before and things are just moving more slowly.

So do I think that is going to change very much in 2022? Probably not the first half, although I could see the situation kind of getting better and things moving a little faster going into the end of the year.