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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawThai Business Visas: Corporate Address and Inspection

Thai Business Visas: Corporate Address and Inspection

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Corporate Addresses and inspection issues in the context of Thai Business Visas; so unfortunately not an altogether completely unheard of thing that can happen here in Thailand.

For those who are maintaining a corporate presence in Thailand and perhaps using their Company to sponsor a Business Visa or Work Permit, you can have the Immigration Office inspect your workplace. This happens relatively frequently, in fact we see this happen on a monthly basis pretty much every month. At least one case, we will see an inspection from the Thai Inspection Unit generally coming through the Business Visa unit through Immigration here in Bangkok and they show up basically. This can happen, obviously it is not something people want to deal with, it is sort of like a tax audit but it does happen. 

We assist a number clients in this. Generally speaking we have never ultimately had a major issue that resulted in somebody having any major problems where they had to vacate the country or anything but it is something that has to be addressed. Corporate Address plays into that as that is the address at which the inspection is very likely to occur. So, generally speaking you are going to want to have; some people decide to use things like a virtual office or they have sort of these co-working spaces. We provide a number of different solutions or we put people on the right track to a number of different solutions regarding things like Corporate Address or co-working spaces in order to basically narrowly tailor that solution to the needs of the clients while also keeping in mind the possibility of an inspection down the road. 

These are all things you need to think of when you are thinking about long-term maintenance of Business Visa status here in the Kingdom of Thailand.