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Thai Company Setup Process in 2022

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the setup of Thai Companies. I have done a number of videos where we are discussing what things are going to look like or we think things are going to look like with various processes here in Thailand going into 2022. The question is: "What about the Corporate registration, the incorporation process?" 

I mean obviously from year to year not a lot changes with respect to the rules associated with Company set up but one thing worth noting is the fact that we definitely have seen time issues, timing issues associated with Corporations in Thailand whereas in the past, the Department of Business Development to their credit has always worked rather efficiently and then this whole COVID thing happened and especially since the lockdown in April of 2021, we have seen a situation where things just take longer. That is just the best way to put it. You have to do you often times have to get appointments to deal with things; it can take a longer time to get things sorted out in that way. For this reason, it may be a situation in 2022 that it might take an extra couple of business days to get a Company incorporated compared to times past. 

So again, not major issues with respect to this overall topic but yeah I definitely think it might take a little longer to register a Company here in Thailand in 2022.