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Thai Company Setup: What Does It Cost?
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Corporations, company set up. I am going to take this from the standpoint of an SME or even just a small entrepreneur, an individual entrepreneur looking to do business here in Thailand. There are a number of ways to get set up over here in Thailand. Depending on your nationality there may be various different options most notably for example Americans can enjoy the benefits of what's called the US-Thai Treaty of Amity wherein they can own their companies 100%; other nationalities may have to deal with the Foreign Business Act, may have to set up a 49/51 structure depending on the type of business they are looking to do and the underlying facts in the given case. There may also be other benefits associated with the Board of Investment concessions, the BOI, as well as now relatively new to the game is the Eastern Economic Corridor and the governing body over the Eastern Economic Corridor which similar to the BOI can confer concessions as well.
So the thing to take away from this video and understand is look depending on how you set up your company, the costs associated with it could vary. So for example if you seek Amity Certification that is going to be a different kind of cost set up than for example just a standard foreign-Thai, Foreign Business Act setup, 49/51, again the cost associated with that may be wildly different than the cost associated with Board of Investment concessions. Depending on the type of business you may be trying to run here in Thailand or set up here in Thailand, BOI concessions may have a higher cost based on the number of concessions you are seeking and the concessions you are seeking depending on the terms of the BOI under which you are seeking those concessions. The same thing can be said for the Eastern Economic Corridor although we are still early days with dealing with that still looking so costs associated with that, it is still a little nebulous from my standpoint exactly what that is going to look like.
Long story short, depending on the type of business you are looking to do in Thailand and the type of concessions or the type of protections sought by the various certifications under the various bodies that may be able to grant concessions here in Thailand, it may change the overall cost associated with setting up a company here in the Kingdom of Thailand.