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Thai Corporate Structures Can Have Important Implications
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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing the issue of Thai Corporate structures. Now many folks will probably just ignore this video because I do a lot of rather dry talk on Thai Corporate structures; that's not this video though.
I thought of making this video after reading a recent article from the Thai Examiner, that is, the article is titled: Former Danish hotel owner just released from prison faces another, longer stretch behind bars. Quoting directly: "Like many Thai private companies involving foreigners, it had foreign directors with voting shares and minority Thai shareholders." Quoting further: "Company that owned the Koh Phangan Hotel had to have Thai shareholders only as a condition for a loan to pay the tax bill and later for working capital." I urge those who are watching this video, I'm only going to quote those small excerpts. Go check out that article in detail, a lot of information there.
But the point, for purposes of this video is to understand hey yeah corporate structures here in Thailand have massive implications and as we have discussed in other videos, utilizing corporate structures improperly can have criminal consequences. As we have discussed in many other videos regarding corporations used for land ownership, that can have a really serious negative connotation for the person who sets it up and is a foreigner. There are myriad ways that that can be problematic. But as noted in this article, and again I urge those who are watching this video go read that in detail, a corporate structure or improper behaviour associated with a corporate structure, could result in criminal charges.
So again, take it for what it is worth but at the end of the day, you need to be setting up your corporate structures in such a way that they are correctly structured and they are in line with Thai legal compliance.