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Thai Small Companies, BOI, and the US Amity Treaty

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Board of Investment Certification, Amity Certification and small companies, so SMEs here in Thailand. This is from the standpoint of those foreign nationals who are looking to set up a small business here in Thailand. 

The definition of a small business can be relatively large or it can be really, really small. So this video may be a little bit more vague than some folks would like so if you are looking for some specificity maybe check out the further videos on our channel. You can go to the search function or contact us directly either way. In any event under certain circumstances a small company here in Thailand may not want to avail itself of anything other than just the standard rules and regulations here in Thailand pertaining to corporate setup and operation of a business here in Thailand. Now that said, for example American citizens looking to do business in Thailand, the provisions of the US-THAI Treaty of Amity are substantial and they will confer substantial benefits, most notably 100% ownership of a Thai Company if the company can be granted National treatment per the provisions of the Treaty of Amity. So even in an SME context, the Treaty of Amity can be quite useful. 

Now the BOI on the other hand, it depends on the circumstances. It depends on the nature of the business is being undertaken with respect to the small business in Thailand. What I am trying to say here is that there are different types of businesses which are I hesitate to say accorded preferential treatment but that is exactly what the BOI is designed to do. There are certain businesses that are to be encouraged if you will and if you fall into one of the categories the BOI is looking to encourage here in Thailand, you can avail yourselves of a lot of benefits within your corporate structure. Now if you don't, BOI might be a waste of time. 

So depending on the prospective business activity of the Company, it may or may not be wise or prudent or cost-effective to seek BOI benefits or even benefits under the US-Thai Treaty of Amity.