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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawThai Work Permits: Issues with Company Address

Thai Work Permits: Issues with Company Address

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Work Permits and Corporate Addresses in Thailand. This used to be a major issue as there was sort of a narrow interpretation on Work Permit scope that was once maintained by the Labour Department as well as the Immigration Office here in Thailand regarding Work Permits. Basically the thinking went that you could only work on the premises where the Work Permit was registered. 

Now, as we have done other videos and things have changed, the Emergency Decree going back in 2018 altered things associated with domicile, Work Permits even job description things but address is still important, most notably because generally speaking if you are going to get an inspection from the Labour Department or from Immigration, it is going to be at the address that is associated with the Company on which your Work Permit is issued. 

For this reason, you are going to want to have a solution in place that is narrowly tailored to your Company's specific needs especially if you are an SME, especially a foreign operated SME here in Thailand, you are going to want to make sure that it is tailored to what you need. 

We generally provide a number of different types of solutions to our clients here in Thailand regarding addresses. It may be addresses in different parts of Thailand, maybe here in Bangkok, we sort of go out of our way to find the best solution that is going to fit that particular Company and in some cases again if it is an SME, that individual or individual's needs depending on the circumstances in the underlying case.