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Thailand Tales: The Era of Infinite Visa Overstay

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Visa overstay. Yeah there was a time going back about 6-8 years ago before the Blacklist and further back before that and I have met some folks that were in kind of an infinite overstay. 

What are we talking about here? Well basically they had a Visa. They came in and then they just didn't go in to renew it. They didn't go deal with it; they just overstayed. Prior to the inception of what I would call the sort of broad Blacklist, there has always been a Blacklist in Thailand in the sense that if you were convicted of a crime generally you will get put in the Blacklist and not allowed to return or not allowed to return for a certain period of time but there was not a blacklist for overstay until a few years back. Roughly I think 2014-15 we started seeing this Blacklist become implemented, it might have been a little bit earlier than that. In fact, I have had people ask me if it came about as a result of the political situation in 2014 where the government changed over and my answer to that is actually it is my understanding no, that these policies were being promulgated even before that. That is not really the thrust of this video. 

Long story short, there was a time when you could just overstay infinitely and essentially the worst thing that would happen is if you got caught they would kick you out, you paid a 20,000 and presumably you could come right back in before the Blacklist. Obviously that time has now come and gone, so where does that leave us? Well in the present circumstances, you have to maintain your lawful status on a continuous basis. Failure to do so results in an overstay. If you go over 90 days of overstay you can end up on the Blacklist, thereby not being allowed to come back. 

So presently, you need to keep your status up to date but yeah there was a time where as a practical matter, you could end up in this sort of infinite limbo; as long as you didn't get caught you were in this infinite overstay.