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ResourcesCorporate and Tax AdvisoryThailand Corporate LawWhy Do I Have to Pick Up My Thai Work Permit in Person?

Why Do I Have to Pick Up My Thai Work Permit in Person?

Transcript of the above video:

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Thai Work Permits and this is a question that comes up quite frequently. Basically people ask me "why do I have to go in person to pick up my Work Permit?" To be clear in our office for example we oftentimes file documentation associated with a person's initial Work Permit. Let me be clear, we are talking about the initial issuance of a Work Permit for a specific Company, for a specific employer. So if you change Work Permits this video applies as well. If you cancel the Work Permit, you have to get a new Work Permit issued, yes the analysis here applies as well. If you are extending status this video doesn't apply to you because with an extension, you don't necessarily need to go in person although they do kind of prefer it. 

But why do you have to deal with it the first time? Well they want to verify you are you. That is the big issue that has come to our attention is you have got a picture in your Work Permit, all of this stuff; all your vital statistics are generally speaking in there. Basically they just want to put a face with the name and a face with the photo and make sure that the person picking it up is the same person that is in their system, basically. That has been our experience; that has been what they want to see. 

So the thing to take away from this video is yes I have had people over the years who are a little bit perturbed that they have to take a morning or an afternoon to run down usually with our staff to walk through and get their Work Permit but it is just part of the process especially the first time, it's just what you have to do.