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Will Thai Policy On Companies Owning Property Change In 2024?
Transcript of the above video:
As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing whether or not the continued policy regarding companies owning property, I should say the policy regarding companies owning property in Thailand will continue.
I have made a number of videos on this. I know foreigners get very upset at me for making these videos where I say "hey, look if you are using a company strictly to circumvent Thai Law on owning land, you are not making a good decision.” Because while there are limited subsets of fact patterns where that may be a feasible and appropriate method of utilizing or enjoying land usage, in the vast majority of cases, as we have discussed on this channel many times including reading articles about raids that have been pulled in Thailand, specifically for that issue, I think going into 2024 it remains very prudent, remains a very good idea to presume that no, you cannot utilize corporations in order to circumvent Thai Law regarding land ownership by foreigners here in the Kingdom.