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Work Permit Issues and Thai Company Setup

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing Work Permits. There is kind of a catch-22 phenomenon that happens, we mostly see this where it is folks that are looking to set up a Company and use that Company to sponsor themselves for sometimes a Thai Business Visa although if they are married to a Thai, they may not need the Business Visa, and a Work Permit. But, there is this kind of circular thing where you need the Company to have the Work Permit but you need to be work authorized to do certain things to get the Company in order. It can lead to a lot of consternation, a lot of concern on a lot of folks' part, most notably things like hiring of employees may be required in order to be able to meet some sponsorship requirements associated with Work Permit issuance.  Again how do you do that if you can't legally work in Thailand?

We come up with solutions for clients all the time and depending on circumstances that will kind of dictate whether or not you can you can go ahead and get a Work Permit issued and again the solution may be tailored to that particular client's situation. So the two things to take away from this video is if you are looking at this for the first time understand yes the seemingly circular nature of this can be a little bit off-putting. The second thing to understand is it may be a good idea to contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed.