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Should I Just Get A Thai Tax ID?

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing whether or not one should just go ahead and get a Thai Tax ID; I have had a lot of people ask me this in the past few weeks. 

My general response right now is look we do not know how this is going to play out so if you do not believe that you are tax liable and you probably want to talk to a legal professional to get a fully vetted opinion on that, but let's say based on your circumstances you really don't meet the criteria of somebody who is going to end up having to pay any taxes in Thailand, it is kind of one of those circumstances, it is one of those situations where when a clear option fails to present itself, sometimes the best option is to do nothing. 

Again as discussed, this rule change does not come into effect until January 1, 2024 so its practical implications we are not going to see likely until 2025. So for this reason, it may not be the most optimal thing for most folks to go get a Tax ID. Some people it may be; again it's going to be very circumstantially dependent. I know I sound like a broken record with that but unfortunately there are so many people out there on the internet right now talking all this one-size-fits-all stuff and telling people this is exactly how it is when quite the opposite is the case in reality, this is the reason for me making this video is it is going to depend on your circumstances. 

If you are really that worried about it, contact a legal professional, gain some insight and guidance into how best to proceed in your given case.