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Tax Audits Happen in Thailand

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As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing tax audits, not something anybody wants to talk about but they do happen in Thailand. We assist a number of clients, we have an accounting division here in our firm; we assist a number of clients in matters pertain to ongoing accounting, ongoing accounting and regulatory Compliance but also matters pertaining to Audits and yes they happen. 

One thing I will say and this is not me trying to blow smoke at tax auditors because I like anybody else, anybody who owns a business, taxes are kind of there; it is not my favorite thing in the world but it just is what it is. It has been my experience that Thai tax audits are a horse of a different colour from tax audits in a western context. Many westerners get very bent out of shape about the notion of a tax audit. I am not saying it is not something to be concerned about in Thailand, but Thai Authorities just in my opinion they just act a lot more professional and they are a lot more courteous and understand that you have a business to run and you have things to do and they are in many sense, I mean unless they view that there is evidence of malice, like malicious intent, but where it's just one of these issues where it is like 'Hey your company has been in operation for a fair period of time. We are going to go ahead and perform an audit.' It has been our experience and I have gone through this personally, in fact I think technically I am going through it now, I talked to not so much me but here at the office, we deal with Revenue Department just on a regular basis. 

I do have to say and again I am not blowing smoke, that is not my intention here, but yeah Thai Revenue Department is a horse of a very different colour from any of the other tax authorities I have ever heard about or dealt with in the West. Again it is just kind of a different mindset, a different paradigm.