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Tax Optimized Setup for Americans in Thailand?

Transcript of the above video: 

As the title of this video suggests, we are discussing optimization of getting started here in Thailand basically as a small business owner, an entrepreneur, an American looking to come to Thailand, live here, use it as your base, do your business - be it online, be it sort of a more brick and mortar type operation. I think it's worth noting that Americans can benefit, can avail themselves of many benefits pursuant to the US-Thai Treaty of Amity, not least of which is the ability to own one's company outright notwithstanding the restrictions under the Foreign Business Act here in Thailand. 

Meanwhile though, another thing to keep in mind from a tax perspective is that there may be ways to optimize one's tax situation in such a way utilizing as we discussed in the past, the aspects of the Treaty of Amity as well as possibly even tax concessions here in Thailand under the Eastern Economic Corridor or the Board of Investment and sort of avail oneself of the best possible posture one can have with regard to both tax liability that may exist for someone vis à vis the United States - for example the Internal Revenue Service - as well as the Revenue Department here in Thailand. 

So there are ways to go ahead and set oneself up here in Thailand so as to be as tax efficient as possible, so as to avoid where possible as much US Tax, again avoidance, I am not talking about evasion here, we are talking about legal avoidance of taxation in such a way that may benefit certain Americans and American businesses looking to operate in Southeast Asia from here in the Kingdom Thailand.